Monday, 11 August 2008

Phoebe on tour with the Siberian Husky Club

Yesterday I took Phoebe out for an extended walk with the Oslo-region group of the Norwegian Siberian Husky Club - she finally got to mix it up with the "big boys" (mostly female dogs actually!) She was soooooo excited to meet everyone, licking their faces, playfully interacting, submitting... On the walk from Sognsvann to Ullevålseter she kept pace with the adults and even tried to stay out in front.... A potential leader!!?? :-) I turned back slightly over halfway to Ullevålseter and walked back down to Sognsvann with Kathinka whom had with her Naledi and Emilie - two beautiful females. Also on the walk were Ingvild of Rodeløkka Kennel and Line of Huskyville Kennel - a very nice walk! Phoebe and I are looking forwards to the Tuesday walks that we will join :-)

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