Saturday, 9 August 2008

Julussdalen - Johanne's cabin

Our friend Johanne kindly lent us her cabin in the *middle* of the forest for the weekend - thank you!! It is situated in the depths of the Fir pine forests of central south-east Norway.

The landscape is covered in soft moss on top of sandy earth - I have very fond memories of this type of forest from my childhood when we rented a small red loggers' cabin....
Phoebe enjoyed the soft feel of the moss - rolling around or just sitting blissfully enjoying the sensation.....ahhhh, what a dog's life!

She is also becoming much more energetic when pulling in the harness....! I was inspired by seeing the neighbour on a pushbike being pulled by one of his Alaskan Huskies - looked like great fun!! It is just a little bit too early summer should be OK.

We went home early so that we could pick up our little boy - Nexus! More on him later...

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