Yesterday we went for a long walk in the forest - the sun was shining, blue skies and quiet hot!
We drove the car to Sørkedalen School where we planned to start our walk. As we pulled off the main road, we spotted my mum walking along in the same direction! It turns out she had planned to walk the same route as us, packing 4 kgs in her backpack and wearing mountain boots in preparation for her hiking trip at the end of this week...!
We walked 5kms uphill stopping at the 3km mark at Finnerud where we drank water and had a quick snack - onwards up the paths to Kobberhaughytta (Copper Mound Cabin). Here we stopped for another snack and drink of water before we walked on the road downhill again to the car.... On the road back out of the Sørkedalen (Sørke Valley) we saw my dad on his bike! It turns out he had ALSO been in the same parts - in fact he had tried to call me whilst resting at the Sørkedalen Shop and Cafe... Priscila and Phoebe are getting indoctrinated with the Norwegian "Out on a trip, never a sour face" (ut på tur, aldri sur!) mentality...
When we came home, Phoebe had a nice dinner and promptly fell asleep like a sack of potatoes! 10kms is quite a trip for a little girl! Looking forward to many more nice trips with the family in the future! MjauVoff :-)
Phoebe sniffing out the blueberry bushes
Phoebe and me outside Kobberhaughytta cabin (Copper Mound Cabin)
We are happy to see that Amber/Phoebe is doing well. We just wonder if You are born in the forest? Always walking, hiking and running. Phoebe couldn´t have a better home. Have a nice week.
Kind regards from kennel Huskylyan
Hi Sandra! You should know - here in Oslo we have a LOT of forest areas next door where we can walk....walk....walk....!
I hope you can get started on the autumn training soon!? Maybe the temperatures will be low enough...
See you! Have a great week - Anders
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