Believe it or not...Phoebe is a brave little least when she has my legs to hide between....! On our walk yesterday evening she met a large, muscular, male Am Staff (American Staffordshire) - also known as "Pitbull"....! He was gentle enough, peeing and scratching his feet in the grass to show that he was "the MAN"... Phoebe just stared at him and started going, "grrrrrrrrrrrr, voff, boff!!" She is simply saying - "I don't want to play - do not annoy me....." Cool girl :-) When Priscila tried to put her toy "Porquhino" dog in front of her, she started growling at it! That is until she realised she was not alive.... hehehehe
Today Priscila, Phoebe and our friend Rodrigo went to Sørkedalselven to try to assemble our Ally canoe properply for the first time.... It went surprisingly well compared to our last aborted attempt.... Phoebe was running around in the grass, and she even came with us in the canoe for a short paddle.... She was very curious to look at the water passing by until she decided to jump out...! We rescued her out of the water again..she shook herself off, but soon shivered with the chill... All wet and miserable we paddled back and after drying her with my t-shirt I put her in the cage in the back of the car where she could relax abit... A very eventful day for all!
Thanks to our friend Rodrigo for the help in assembling the canoe! Thanks amigo!!
See a couple of videos here:
you just forgot to mention the bus that drove up to the brigde above us while we were paddling under it (just after the rain shower) and gave us a enourmous water splash over our heads :-P
When she meets other dogs she'll say, just like in the talking movies: 'I took both my humans out for a nice Sunday stroll.' Great personality! :-)
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