House rules.... NO jumping on the sofa...NO jumping on the NOT bite people....NO stealing of shoes, socks, NO chewing of furniture etc etc... Come on - are we asking too much!? :-)
It makes me laugh out loud every day now that I catch Phoebe happily yapping, hanging out in the sofa or on the bed chewing one of my socks :-) It is the exact behaviour that one should expect of a puppy her age - challenging the rules! A stern NO, a pointed finger, and if needed, pushing her off the sofa is what is needed now. Do NOT let her get away with it or she will sense the "weak soul" and think that if it was OK once, then perhaps, maybe it IS allowed!?
We just LOVE her to death - being stern does not mean she does not get a lot of cuddles and praise when she behaves.... She can now even perform "sit", "lay down" and "stay" quite well!
Oh - and between all of the and sleep are still high on the list!

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