Its me- Phoebe again...
Did someone ever tell you that Siberian (and Alaskans for that matter) Huskies are extremely adaptable!? After only the 2nd day here at her new home with us, she has slept quietly all thorough the night (except for a pee-break at 05:00 in the morning...)
Yesterday she went for a long walk and said hello to 6 older children, 5 adults (including 2 of them in electric wheelchairs) and the caretaker out with his petrol-powered lawnmower! If a little sceptical and frightened a first, some encouragement can turn her from shaking with fear into a little girl wagging her tail and licking the hand of the person greeting her - thats our little good girl! We also went through an automatic door and took the lift 2 floors to get into my mothers apartment... Once there she drank some water and promply fell asleep on our feet whilst we sat at the computer where I helped out with some computer "expert advice".
Voff, voff - I am going to run fast and pull a sled when I grow up! Aren't I?!
See you soon :-)

1 comment:
Go Phoebe, go !
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