Monday, 21 July 2008

Another day at the office...

After lunch we went to visit Priscila and her boss, Karin at the National Hospital. Karin used to own a Siberian Husky and was sooooooooo curious to meet Phoebe! We have a fellow, dog-loving ally there - she said that on occasion Phoebe may sit in her office, but I would rather not impose - after all, they are in the forensic medicine institute and work under "clean conditions" when they are in the labs. Anyway - it is nice to know that Phoebe has friends!

After visiting Priscila's colleagues, it was time for Phoebe's first trip with me to my office in the Science Park here in Oslo. We only spent a couple of hours there, but she had the chance to say "woof" to a couple of colleagues and a small, fluffy, white haired "exotic dog" (can't remember the name of the race..). She settled down really well in the cage that was placed underneath my office desk, and promptly fell asleep :-)

At home, Priscila had a nice pre-dinner play session with her - see the video here:



Anonymous said...

Hello Anders, Priscilla and Phoebe(Amber)!
It´s nice that You started a blog about the precious little girl. I follow her progress from the blogg every day. I see that You take more than GOOD care of here. Give her a kiss from us.
Best regards from Huskylyan in Sweden

Anders said...

Hi Sandra!

Phoebe (Amber) is such a good girl, and we just LOVE her! I hope her sisters are well!? Anders