Saturday, 26 December 2009
Quiet at home...
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Oooouuw, oooouw!
Interesting developments...
As we came back to the house and I was getting my shoes off, Luke suddenly decides to mount Phoebe....! WHAT!? Get down! Most of the evening he tried, tried....but Phoebe rejected him...
She only had her last heat 3 months ago, but it is not impossible that she could have been triggered by his arrival to have another! After all, he is The MAN! :-) At night we chained them each to their house to avoid....complications, hoping there was no hanky panky in the night! Today, we left Phoebe inside our house and Luke in the kennel.... We shall see how the situation develops...! Mjau, Voff Voff!
Monday, 14 December 2009
Doggy routines..
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Doubling the number of dogs...!

Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Quo vadis?

Now that we are installed in the house we will hopefully have a chance to finish the building of our kennel space - perhaps we can then adopt or borrow a couple of dogs....hopefully to make a better sled team than with the little black sausage!? :-)
Monday, 19 October 2009 last....!
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Change of status....

Saturday, 13 June 2009
Summer days....
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Phoebe at the Norwegian Siberian Husky Club exhibition
For those whom are interested, here is a loose translation of Phoebe's "judgement":
"54 cm. Good type, feminine head. Good nose and bite. Good neck and back. Still somewhat undeveloped chest. Should be better angled cross(?), hip and knee as well as upper arm. Moves with a short front reach - adequate posterior movement. Good fur quality. Good temperament. Still very puppyish."
Monday, 25 May 2009
Sunday walk in the forest
Last Sunday we went for a nice walk in the forest with our friend Johanne. She brought her sonn-to-retire racing dog Luke (8 year old male), and her two cute three month old puppies - Juluss (male) and Nenena (female). They are after "Racer", an excellent lead dog from Hans-Christian Ørjestad's kennel. Priscila walked with Juluss - he shows EXTREME "forwardness", wanting to be in front of everyone and driving up the pace..... CERTAINLY a future lead dog! Just like his mother, he complains in a loud voice if the pace is too slow or he is not allowed to be in front.....heheh - see the video here:
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Digging, digging, digging...mud, mud - oh glorious mud!

Thursday, 14 May 2009
Mjau, mjau! Happy Birthday Nexus!!!
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Monday, 4 May 2009
Springtime is here!!!
So - what was Phoebe and Nexus up to in the meantime?! They stayed at a dog and cat hotel....5* it would seem, since Phoebe was relutcant to leave when I went to pick her up! She enjoys the place, since she is allowed to run around with other dogs inside a large fenced area....FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM (of a sort...)!
Monday, 16 March 2009
Coming of spring....?
Last weekend we had beautiful Sunday weather, and we took Phoebe to the local kindergarden where she could freely around and practice her newfound passion for.....digging! Check out the videos here:
Happy trails! :-)
Monday, 23 February 2009
Phoebe's debut as race leader...
On Friday, after the end of the official races, Priscila and I teamed up our 4 dogs, running Phoebe with Krølløre as wheel dogs, and Kaisa+Foxy up front. We did a practice run of the 10 km sprint circuit that I would race the next day - halfway through we switched places - Priscila and I - and Krølløre and Phoebe - so....for the last couple of kilometers Phoebe ran in lead for the first time in her life...! No problem :-) Seeing that Kaisa is a grand old lady of 11 yrs, I borrowed another dog (Hera) from fellow Siberian musher Lars - teaming up Hera and Phoebe in front with Krølløre and Foxy as wheel dogs, we set out on Saturday to compete in the informal recruitment race - 10kms sprint with up to 6 dogs. Apart from losing 1 min or so to Phoebe's desire to play with Hera, she performed really, really well for being in lead! 10 kms went by in a respectable time (37 mins or so) and we arrived in goal without any mishaps - gooooooood dogs... A really good learning experience for all of us! :-)
Monday, 16 February 2009
Training at Johanne's cabin...
See a video of the Saturday run here:
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Distance sled training and cross country skiing!

On Friday, Phoebe and I went out with Johanne and her dogs - I ran Phoebe alone in the middle of a 5-dog team - a total of 20 kms. Really nice run in the quiet evening - we didn't get back until 23:45 (quarter to midnight).... We tried to visit a friend of Johanne, breaking trail in deep snow to reach his cabin, but we missed it by a couple of 100 meters - anyway, we don't think he was there... Phoebe is running very smoothly in the team, and seems very happy to be doing her "real job" - pulling a sled! One day soon I shall have to try her up front with an experienced leader alongside......
In the last days we have received 30-40 cms of snow here in the Oslo area - really nice!! Today Priscila and I introduced our friend Rodrigo to the pleaseure of Cross Country skiing - he is very fit (marathon runner) and has a natural talent for sports.... We did a smooth 7.5 kms on his FIRST ever outing! Of course, I had Phoebe in front pulling :-)
See a couple of videos here:
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Phoebe's debut as a long-distance dog...!
Phoebe really enjoyed her initiation to distance running - her tug-line was mostly tight and despite being tired at the end, she kept running...and pulling - gooooood girl!
She also seemed to fit in very well with Johanne's dogs, all of which behaved themselved very well around her! Perhaps she is eyeing them up as potential mates for the future?! Needless to say, her "boyfriend" Bardus was happy to see her :-) Woof, woof!
See a couple of videos from the weekend here:
Not to forget "chubby boy" Nexus! He had the treatment befitting a King during the weekend, when my mother looked after him! I believe he has charmed his way into her heart......miiiiiiijau!?
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Snow, snow, snow!
Last weekend we went to Trysil to do some alpine skiing for the first time this winter - Priscila, Paula, Rodrigo and Patricia - we all enjoyed playing in the white stuff!
We bought a cheap "akrebrett" (toboggan?) that the kids use to slide down the hills... Phoebe was hooked up in front and.....she pulled!! See the video from this week that I took at home - by the shaking of the camera, you should realise that I was running to keep up!
Priscila really enjoyed it - it has given us a preview taste the dogsledding.... We are going to Johanne's cabin this weekend, bringing the new sled and borrowing a set of dogs :-)
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Holiday, party and growing up!
The main event of our trip was the delayed celebration of our wedding - a great party was had by all - a modest (by Brazilian standards) 150 guests! See the pictures on Priscila's website here:
As for the animals.... They had a nice stay in a "dog and cat hotel" - Nexus emerging as a larger cat after 3 weeks of what must have been a food orgy! :-) And little not so "little" anymore! She had her first menstrual cycle - as I write this, she is in the last week of the cycle... At least it seems most of her "PMS" attidue has relaxed a bit....nothing destroyed here in the apartment of note the last few days....heheh! She is now 8 months old - weighs 16 kg.
We are looking forward to the return of winter, and will hopefully have a debut with the new sled in the weekend in little more than one week..... We shall see......!