Last weekend we went to the Norwegian Siberian Husky Club exhibition to show Phoebe in front of a judge - entering the "junior class" since our girl is just one year old :-) Ahead of time, we had practiced a bit of trotting around in a circuit, but this seems to be a something that we need to work on *a lot* more...... She tends to jump around, turn to look at the dog behind, or start to gallop - her favourite "full speed ahead mode"! However, on the day she behaved reasonably, and after the judgement was awarded a 2nd prize blue ribbon - this means she is a "good example of the breed", but that she has some "imperfections"..... Generally, she was deemed to lack maturity in build and musculation, and that she was still very "puppy-like" - Yup! That's our little girl! All in a all, we really enjoyed the weekend - weather was a balmy 24 deg C.... Luckily she enjoys swimming as an activity and was able to cool down in the local lake - see the video of her being lead into the water by one of the attending "junior mushers":
http://andersf.multiply.com/video/item/83/Phoebe_swimmingFor those whom are interested, here is a loose translation of Phoebe's "judgement":
"54 cm. Good type, feminine head. Good nose and bite. Good neck and back. Still somewhat undeveloped chest. Should be better angled cross(?), hip and knee as well as upper arm. Moves with a short front reach - adequate posterior movement. Good fur quality. Good temperament. Still very puppyish."
1 comment:
jassåååå hun skal bli showhund den dama der....spør Bardusguttan! Jeg som trodde hun var solidarisk med oss grisehaler
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