Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Interesting developments...

Yesterday I went out for a bikeride again - I was so impressed by their team performance on Monday that I wanted to test two days in a row... Again the kids performed very well - Phoebe is extremely "forward" and Luke can pull you up a hill... His only problem is that sometime he decides to "mark the spot" and that stops everything for a few seconds - oh well, that is no real problem! Getting to the end of the road, we met a guy walking two loose dogs - they "suddenly" appeared out of nowhere in the dark, and startled Phoebe.... Bof, bof.... She stopped, backed away, but Luke good boy got us past - Phoebe is actually afraid of the dark! We got back on track, and only turned around after we hit an icy patch and.....well.....two dogs - two wheels... You figure it out! We went slow, so no problems apart from the chain coming off the cogs. "Quickly get back on your horse", as they say... Back towards home went we, with a minor detour to add on a couple of kilometers. Total maybe 7km (forgot the GPS)?
As we came back to the house and I was getting my shoes off, Luke suddenly decides to mount Phoebe....! WHAT!? Get down! Most of the evening he tried, tried....but Phoebe rejected him...
She only had her last heat 3 months ago, but it is not impossible that she could have been triggered by his arrival to have another! After all, he is The MAN! :-) At night we chained them each to their house to avoid....complications, hoping there was no hanky panky in the night! Today, we left Phoebe inside our house and Luke in the kennel.... We shall see how the situation develops...! Mjau, Voff Voff!

1 comment:

Tone said...

Den katten er bare så flott! :) Har en liten drøm om en silvertabby katt en gang, men ettersom Runar er allergisk mot katter og de firbente er veldig "glad" i katter så får det bli med drømmen...