We have had a looooong period of -20 deg C or thereabouts. Our Siberian Husky friends, however, are genetically adapted to survive the extreme cold of Siberia... Phoebe was an "indoor dog" until only very recently, but when Luke arrived we housed them both outsied in the kennel. This has gone very well except their incessant war, trying to claim the big house... Phoebe has an attitude of "It is mine, then mine, and if anything is left over, it is mine", that applies to food, toys, dog houses, attention....
Since Luke and Phoebe came back from their Xmas and New Year holiday in the mountains, we have paid extra attention to Luke especially, aiming to form stronger bonds with him. He just LOVES to be scratched on the belly :-) A couple of days ago he even took the initiative to play with a toy ball - really good sign that he is relaxing! The last couple of nights, they have also slept indoors with us and yesterday they came with me to the office (see picture). Well behaved, charming everyone there! MjauVoof!?
genial jobb som tillater hund på kontoret... Min skylder på allergi (men ingen på jobben er allergiske). Jaja.
I always want to take one of our dogs or puppies to my workplace, but unfortunately it's not allowed. I'm so jealous! Looks like they behaved very nicely.
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