Phoebe letting everyone know she is excited to run!
Wooooo wooooo wooooo!
We have just passed Midsummer.... Here in the Oslo-area the days are remarkably long... Even if we are not above the Arctic Circle it is *almost* Midnight Sun here: Sunrise around 04:00 - sunset around 23:00..!Since Pagan prehistoric times, the longest (and shortest) day has always been associated with a ritual - in our times that equates to a party! Last weekend we went to the cabin of a friend - 4 humans and 20 dogs in total! We all had a real blast - dogs running short and fast in front of bicycles and ATVs - stopping to wade in streams, drink and cool down... The two-legged group all went to a big local party on the Saturday - real hillbilly style in the forest - rock band, barbeque, wine and beer, laughter,!
The dogs are enoying the summer - loosing their wool, digging cooling earth pits - sleeping on the doghouse roof... We are very happy with our three Siberian Huskies - Phoebe is now a little more than two years young(!), Burka will be two in July, and Luke is heading towards 10 in November....

Burka showing her mangy coat :-)

Luke enjoying his cooling earth pit...
Burka has shown herself to be a very eager, well-built girl. She is rather careful and timid with strangers, but is very sweet and loving to her family. Of course, when Phoebe shows too much enthusiasm (read: barks and makes a spectacle of herself), Burka needs to tell her to calm down....! Burka's half-brother and two half-sisters were also at the cabin this weekend. Here is a photo of Juluss - named after the valley where the cabin is situated (Julussdalen). He is extremly eager to run and rather noisy... His sister Nenana is proving to be a possible new leader for Johanne.... :-)