Saturday, 15 August 2009

Change of status....

In the lazy days of summer, there have been several possible life-changing events in the MjauDoggyWoggy household.... First of all, our "little boy" Nexus has had a trip "to buy ice cream" (also known as - going to the vet)....! He is now 15 months of age and has had ample time to "go through the change" of puberty.... To avoid any potential for unwanted kittens the vet removed his "crown jewels" the other day - is there no other discreet way to say that he has lost his balls!? Nexus is still the same however - after a groggy, spaced-out evening he is back to his good old self; "Prrrrr, prrrrrr - food? Prrrrr, prrrrr - scratch me under my chin, behind my ears; Prrrrr prrrrr - "trot trot" - let me chase my sister (Phoebe) and kill mummy's (Priscila's) foot under the carpet....!!" :-)
The other piece of news worth mentioning is that the household will move from the very nice apartment into an even nicer house! Our new adress will be "enter the forest and turn right by the 2nd big pine tree"..... We will have a house bigger than we need, but the bonus is that there is a big piece of land (2500 sqm) with a corner perfect for constructing a small run-around kennel area....! It is soon about time for Phoebe to "move out" and perhaps establish herself with a much older man.....!? Actually - we are hoping to adopt a mature, experienced sled dog that can teach Phoebe so much more than we humans ever could - who knows, maybe there might be puppies in her future too!?
The good thing with our new location is that there are several other dog mushers in the neighbourhood, including people we know, and that there are prepared sled tracks in the forest next door... We might even have a chance to take up some rock climbing too, since a great cliff is located within walking distance from the house (Fjell - where some of the hard routes and boulders were put up in the good old sport climbing pioneering days...)
Days are already colder, so we hope that Phoebe can get some proper autumn training this year...


Tone said...

Det huset ser jo bare supert ut! Og så kult at det ligger ved Fjell! Der har jeg vært noen ganger da jeg drev med klatring. Det var tider det. Hundekjøring er dog hakket morsommere. :) får man drevet med begge deler må det jo være flott!

Johanne said...

vi klatra med bikkjene i sommer, optimalisering kaller vi det....

Anders said...

Toppturer og klatring med bikkjene høres utfordrene ut! Jeg har også klatret en del på Fjell i "gamle dager" - ser frem til å ta en buldreøkt eller to der igjen!