Sunday, 8 February 2009

Distance sled training and cross country skiing!

Photo of Denvildra Teqno - Phoebe's father (photo by Sandra Olofsson - Huskylyan kennel).

On Friday, Phoebe and I went out with Johanne and her dogs - I ran Phoebe alone in the middle of a 5-dog team - a total of 20 kms. Really nice run in the quiet evening - we didn't get back until 23:45 (quarter to midnight).... We tried to visit a friend of Johanne, breaking trail in deep snow to reach his cabin, but we missed it by a couple of 100 meters - anyway, we don't think he was there... Phoebe is running very smoothly in the team, and seems very happy to be doing her "real job" - pulling a sled! One day soon I shall have to try her up front with an experienced leader alongside......

In the last days we have received 30-40 cms of snow here in the Oslo area - really nice!! Today Priscila and I introduced our friend Rodrigo to the pleaseure of Cross Country skiing - he is very fit (marathon runner) and has a natural talent for sports.... We did a smooth 7.5 kms on his FIRST ever outing! Of course, I had Phoebe in front pulling :-)
See a couple of videos here:


Anonymous said...

to mil ja! gjengen min går ikke mer enn 14-15 km... Men vi har det moro likevel. Det er det viktigste- det skal være moro for hunder og fører. selv for de minst trente. :D

Anders said...

Ja - det er viktig at løpingen blir moro og at den lille ikke blir overbelastet, spesielt med for høy fart! "Teknikklæring" skjer når man ikke er helt utslitt, men det er også bra å se hvordan hun reagerer når hun er sliten - tar hun maten etterpå? - "gir hun opp"? - Etter tur denne helgen er jeg mektig imponert - det bor uante krefter i en Siberian husky - hun løp 34km på lørdag og 19km på søndag.....sliten som bare det, men spiste bra og var kvikk og rask igjen!