"This bed ain't big enough for the both of us......!"
Lately we have found Phoebe more and more often on our bed and on top of the sofa - sometimes jumping up straight in front of us and 11 times in a row just the other day!
As a revenge, Priscila jumped into Phoebe's bed with her.....!
This morning, her leash slipped out of my hand and she took off into the small forest like a rocket! I spent 10 minutes following her, trying not to go to fast because that just makes her go into "YouCan'tCatchMe" playmode...ah well!
We might simply have a preview of her "teenage antics"....!? She is now 6 1/2 months old and she could have her first menstrual cycle anytime soon....!
On the training front, I try to get out a couple of times per week with the bike (yes....the snow is almost gone, just a thin sugarcoating to make us dream). We do up to 3-5 km with her pulling ahead - average speed maybe of 10km/hr! - that is including all the full stops to sniff....! We do about 15-20km/hr when she is in the mood :-) In a couple of weeks we are going to the Siberian Husky Club Autumn Meeting on Snow - should be a chance for Phoebe to try out gently in a sled-team. We also plan to borrow a second dog to go skikjøring.....
On the cat-front, Nexus is as cool as ever...... The single week at the kennel seemed to make him grow even more "round bellied"...! He is known affectionately as "Chubby Boy".. Take a look at Nexus lazily fighting the camera: http://andersf.multiply.com/video/item/66/Nexus_fighting_the_camera
hihihi you should try to go be in the bed with us next time. As a revenge ! SMACK !
thanks, to you too!!!
Phoebe blir bare penere og penere!
God tur til syningen, vi skal ikke dit, men ses nok på en tirsdagstur.
Hei, takk for sist! Jeg var ikke så lenge på Syningen, men vi har i hvert fall hilst hverandre.
Lykke til med hundene !
Martin Degens
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